What are the reasons that middle class family don't allow their child to make future in their hobby

The biggest hassle with Indian parents is that they may be not able to adapt their thoughts with the dynamically changing world . I m not saying that all mother and father are like that, but many mother and father  still don’t want to change their mind.

They suppose that they can manage their children and they can’t stand their children no longer following their orders.

Modelling has many dark shades and all the parents wants their child to be well settled because they are the one who are investing on us so they want productive result !!!

All they want is our future to be safe so that we can spend our lives properly so somehow btw these thoughts they forget what we want!!!

The biggest problem with Indian parents is that they are not able to adapt their mind with the dynamically changing world. They are comfortable in the patriarchal society that they live in.

We will start with education.

They trust that a smart  kids robotically belong to the technology (science) and generation discipline, average children go for commerce, and beneath(below average) common pass for arts/sports. This isn’t true. They agree with that, fulfillment is materialistic. That’s no longer without a doubt what success is, it just manner with a view to find happiness as your pursue a career of very own private hobby as opposed to being forced to go for what your dad and mom think fit you nice. Because the simplest man or woman who knows you, is of course your self.

Why do some Indian parents fail to see their kids as matured individuals. 

They capable of taking their own decisions. Even after they are well into their adulthood. 


1. Telling us to follow the career of their choice :

She:  Papa i won't to be a model
Papa: Doctor ban samzi...

2.Oh you hit puberty 

You should dress properly , wear decent clothes , dress like a good girl/ boy.

You know parents consider their children as a part of the family, community, and not a individual thinking beings.  They instill in them the idea that is more important than moral values that any kind of personal growth. 

3. Never let us follow the passion

How many times have you experienced/heard of parents seeing a unsuccessful person in their field and they said you not follow your passion This is so problematic. All the drama, emotional blackmail to control an adult's choice toward her passion .

4. Slapping 

Is most important part of disciplining and every kid should be slapping.

5. Comparing you to other kids for every choice you make 

They compare your life to theirs and with that they remind you . You have too much freedom . 

Just getting marks makes his carrier and always compare with someone 


6. No privacy

If you living in Indian family , Parents keep a check on their child's phone.

Some parents don't even allow their kids to lock the door of their room. 

7. Financial Independence 

Many Indian family parents continue to support their adult their child financially. 

8. Don't talk about periods, sex 

Don't talk about sex, periods, consent mental health - All these important discussion never really happen in the house parents do not make space between them and their kids to be open for discussion So they control and strictness .

9. Re-confirming negative stereotypes

10. Girls have to adjust, Don't speak up against sexual assaults that happen with you. 

Like Fat shaming 

Like Slut shaming 

10. Caste & Religion 

We all know how the cast and religion is important for Indian family.

11. Parents give weird solution to your problem 

Indian child are manipulate ,controlled and black mailed till the end. 
If your parents don't accept you. They your question will someone else accept me ? 

It's not that kids always look for their parents approval but, How empowering it will be . If your parents support you. 


The Modern indian parents are changing. Many parents are not follow the old traditions on their kids.

The best way to cover up the generation gap between your thinking and your parents thinking. 
You must identify the generation gap 
You must take the first step to resolve it try talking to their parents about your likes and dislikes. 
Explain that this is what you want and you know well they try to support or understand you. 

And here some views :                                                  

"Prioritising moral values over personal growth"
There is a thin line between HELPING someone and BEING USED by someone. Parents should teach their kids to identify that line.
Above everything else to try and resolve issues with parents or bridge the generation gap, the main thing is our parents need to LISTEN to us and we need to LISTEN to them. There is a major difference between hearing and listening. Most of the times a conflict arises when either party refuses to listen. #Truestory
I guess the main reason for them to control is we are financial very much dependent plus we stay in parents house
And parents think that they have every right to control kids because once they were also raised like that by their parents.
Probably future generation will understand better I think.
How many times have you experienced/heard of parents forcing a perfectly happy couple to separate and marry other people of their choice? This is so problematic. All the drama, emotional blackmail to control an adult's choice to marry.



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